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Hot Nights Forever (Hot Summer Series) Page 4
Hot Nights Forever (Hot Summer Series) Read online
Page 4
“How can I help you dear?” She asked in a grandmotherly voice.
“I’m here to see Brian um…Brian in room 406 please.” It wasn’t until just now that Stephanie realized she didn’t even know his last name. She was in love with a man that she hardly knew. How was that possible?
“I’m sorry dear but visiting hours are over. You can come back in the morning at 8:00.” The older woman gave her an apologetic smile.
“No! You don’t understand. I need to see him.” Stephanie knew she was pleading but couldn’t help it.
“Hi Margaret. She’s with me,” came a voice from the entrance of the elevators. Stephanie turned and saw a very pregnant woman with a friendly smile. “Hi. You must be Stephanie. I’m Kara, Aaron’s wife.” Kara reached up and rubbed Stephanie’s back for reassurance.
“Hello. I just got here but…” Stephanie was on the verge of an emotional meltdown right in the hospital’s lobby.
“I know. It’s going to be fine. You can come up with me.” Looking at the receptionist, Kara said “she’s family so it’s ok for her to come up right?”
“Well, if she’s family it is.” Margaret looked at Stephanie over her glasses.
“Thanks.” Lacing her arm through Stephanie’s, Kara led her to the elevators and pushed the up button. When the doors slid open, they both stepped inside.
“I know she was just doing her job but I was about to lose it.” Stephanie said as she leaned against the back wall for support.
“Looks like I came down just in time then.” Kara rubbed her belly and gave her a smile.
“How is Brian?” Stephanie had no idea what happened or what was wrong and she needed some information.
“He’s holding his own. I will tell you that the doctors put him in a medically induced coma to keep him stable. Just so you know before you see him.” Kara reached out and squeezed Stephanie’s hand.
Stephanie blanched. A coma! That sounded so serious. “What happened?”
“There was an explosion from the building behind the one that was burning. Everyone was evacuating but as Brian was running, something from the force of the blast hit him in the back of the head. He has a concussion and some swelling on the brain,” Kara explained softly.
“I just realized downstairs that I don’t know his last name and I love him.” Stephanie put her face in her hands and sobbed uncontrollably.
“It’s going to be ok. Brian is tough and the doctors have had some positive responses from him so far. And his last name is Abernathy.” Kara hugged Stephanie and rubbed her back for comfort. “We are almost on the 4th floor. You better get yourself together because the hallway is lined with firefighters.
The doors to the elevators opened and the two women stepped out. When they made the right turn onto Brian’s hallway, firefighters were flanked on both sides. Stephanie was very intimidated by the sight. As she walked further down the hall, she couldn’t help but notice the heavy smell of smoke that clung to their clothes or how bone tired some of them looked. But still they were here, supporting one of their own. Stephanie suddenly felt a since of pride at fire fighters and what they go through.
A fireman stepped away from the wall and approached Stephanie. He had kind brown eyes and a weary smile. “Hi. I’m Aaron. We spoke on the phone.” Aaron reached out to gently shake Stephanie’s hand.
“Hi. Thanks so much for calling me. Can I see him?” Stephanie smoothed her hair back. She was so nervous about seeing Brian helpless.
“The doctors are in their now doing some tests. When they finish, I’m sure it’s fine.” Aaron looked at his wife and seemed to ask a silent question. Kara shook her head slightly. “Just so you know there’s a lot of stuff in and on Brian’s body to monitor him.”
Stephanie took a deep breath. “Kara told me what happened and that they put him in a coma.”
“That’s right but the swelling on his brain is already going down and that is a very good sign.” Aaron gave her a small smile.
Just then, two doctors and a nurse came out of Brian’s room. One of the doctors was an older gentleman with thinning gray hair. He had an air of authority about him. He was approaching Aaron. “Things are continuing to look good. The swelling in his brain is slowly going down and he is responsive to touch. We’ll come back in 2 hours and see if those changes continue. Until then, his vitals are closely monitored.”
“Thanks doc. Can we see him?” Aaron shook the doctor’s hand.
“Yes, but I still don’t want no more than 3 people in that room” he said in a no nonsense voice and walked away.
Kara walked over to Stephanie. “If you want me to go in with you, I will” she offered.
“No thank you. I can do this.” She gave her a shy smile and walked to the door.
Stephanie took a deep breath and pushed the heavy door open. The room was dimly lit and had the classic smell of medicine and latex. The bed was the dominate feature in the room. In the middle of the bed, Brian was lying perfectly still with wires and tubes seemly coming from everywhere. Moving closer to his bedside, Stephanie noticed a large white bandage wrapped around his head. She choked back a sob and placed her hand on his hand. She was comforted by the warmth from his body.
“Brian I’m so scared for you right now,” she cried. She could have sworn that she saw his finger twitch. Was that my imagination? Then, the steady beep, beep, beep of the monitor for his heart picked up a slightly faster pace. I know I’m not imagining that, she thought.
Stephanie was watching him closely for any more signs when the door opened quickly. A nurse about her own age came in and gave her a wary look. “There are some changes on his vitals. What happened?”
Stephanie felt guilty for some reason. She didn’t know if the changes were good or bad. “I just came in here and touched his hand. When I spoke to him I thought I saw his fingers move.”
“Well that and his vitals increasing slightly is a good sign. Are you a relative?” The nurse was checking his IV bag.
“No. We’re umm… seeing each other.” Was that a correct assessment of their relationship? She had no idea because it had only been a few weeks.
“Yes, the love effect. Well whatever you were doing don’t stop” she gave Stephanie a wink.
“What is the ‘love effect’? Stephanie asked.
“It’s when a patient is unresponsive until someone he or she loves touches or speaks to them and they react in a way that Brian just did. Looks like he loves you sweetie.” The nurse walked out the door. Stephanie stood open mouthed looking at the closed door.
Stephanie felt warmth spread from her heart. Looks like he loves you sweetie. Those were the words from a complete stranger. Could they be true? Stephanie turned to make her way back to Brian’s bed.
Stephanie placed her hand back on his again. There was so much she wanted to say. “Brian, I care for you so much. I…”
The door opened again and a young woman came in followed by an older woman and man. They all looked vaguely familiar and Stephanie suddenly realized that this must be Brian’s parents and sister.
Chapter Thirteen
“Hi. You must be Stephanie,” the older woman said.
“Yes I am. Are you Brian’s mom?” Stephanie asked nervously.
Brian’s mom stopped and cupped her mouth when she saw her son lying on the hospital bed. His dad stepped forward to introduce them.
“Hi, my name is Robert, Brian’s father. Yes, this is his mother, Susan and this is our daughter, Katie.
“Hi. Nice to meet you.” Stephanie smoothed her hair back. She saw the look of horror, fear, and shock on the two women’s faces and knew she had that same look 15 minutes ago.
“The doctors said that things are looking good and he just moved his fingers. The nurse said that was a good sign.” Stephanie knew she was talking to fast but she couldn’t control her nerves.
After Brian’s mother recovered from the shock of seeing him, she made her way to the other side of the bed. “My sweet son. I ca
n’t believe this has happened.”
Once again, Brian’s heart rate began to beat a little faster. Stephanie explained to them what the nurse said about his vital signs but didn’t reveal her nickname for it. She thought that was a little to forward.
Not wanting to leave his side but knowing she should give his parents some privacy, Stephanie made her way back out into the hallway.
“Hi. Are you ok?” Kara came to stand beside her.
“Yes I’m fine. Just shocked at how vulnerable he looks.” Stephanie wrapped her arms around her chest.
“Would you like to go downstairs while his parents and sister are visiting and get some coffee?” Kara offered.
“Sure that sounds nice.” They both made their way to the elevators.
Stephanie ordered a latte and Kara got a decaf coffee when they arrived at the café on the 3rd floor.
“So you really love Brian?” Kara asked with a smile.
“Yes. I know it’s crazy because we have only known each other for a very short time but I do love him.” Stephanie took a sip of her latte.
“Well I would guess that Brian feels the same way. Aaron says that he has never seen Brian this head over heels for any woman.” Kara winked at her over her cup.
Warmth spread thought Stephanie’s core and she smiled. “I just wish I could tell him.”
“From the responses he has been giving and what the doctors has said, things are looking good. The nurse told us what happened when you first went in the room. That’s a very good sign for several reasons.” Kara smiled a knowing smile at her.
“Yes it was and he had a similar response with his mother. So I know that he is aware on some level of who is around him, it’s just unnerving to talk to him and him not talk back.” Stephanie looked down at the cream colored liquid in her cup.
Kara reached across and squeezed Stephanie’s hand. “I know he’s going to pull through.”
Chapter Fourteen
It was day two after Brian’s accident and most of the firefighters had gone back to work. Aaron and Kara insisted that Stephanie stay with them while she was in Savannah. Brian’s parents and sister were staying at his apartment.
Stephanie found herself in a loud mix of two boys, one man, and a pregnant woman all under one roof. At first, the busy life was overwhelming but she soon discovered the routine of their household and began enjoying their home. Kara had a way of making everything run smoothly and everyone seemed to understand the “if mama’s not happy, nobody’s happy’ motto so they all did their best to please her.
Stephanie had taken a shower and dressed. She was going to grab a quick bite to eat and drive to the hospital. Today, the doctors had said they would begin to decrease the drug that was making Brian sleep. They told her yesterday that if his body was ready, he would wake up.
After Kara dropped the boys off at the sitter, they drove straight to the hospital. His parents weren’t there yet so Stephanie had some time alone with him.
She noticed that today, he had more of his natural color to his face. With the exception of the bandage on his head and the IV in his arm, Brian looked like he was just sleeping. She walked over to his left side and sat down in the plastic covered hospital chair. Placing her hand on his, Stephanie began caressing his hand and lower arm. Just touching him was a soothing balm right now.
A nurse came in and gave Stephanie a brisk smile. She made her way to Brian’s IV bag to check the fluid level and insert an antibiotic into the line.
“Have there been any changes?” Stephanie asked, hopeful.
“The doctor came in earlier this morning and decided to back off the sleep inducing drug. That’s been about two hours ago so maybe we will see some positive changes soon.” The nurse deposited the used needle in the sharp objects container on the wall and then left the room.
“Brian, I miss your smile, your voice. I would do anything to hear you speak to me again.” Stephanie reached up and brushed his hair back from his forehead. The heart monitor picked up a slightly faster rhythm that made Stephanie smile.
The door opened once more and Brian’s parents stepped into the room. “Hello dear,” said his mother. “How is he doing today?” Stephanie informed them of the news that the nurse had previously told her.
“Would you like to join us for coffee downstairs?” asked Robert.
“No thanks. I had some before I came and my nerves are already wired,” Stephanie laughed softly.
“We’ll be back in about thirty minutes.” His parents left the room and left Stephanie alone with Brian once again.
“I’ll be right back baby.” Stephanie leaned over and kissed Brian on his cheek that had two days’ worth of facial hair growth that made his stubble thicker.
Smiling and thinking to herself about shaving his face, Stephanie made her way to the in room bathroom. When she came back out, Stephanie made her way to the sink and began washing her hands. She glanced up to look into the mirror and froze. She saw Brian’s reflection in the mirror and his eyes were open.
Stephanie turned quickly around without drying her hands and made her way to Brian’s side. Looking at his beautiful blue eyes brought her to tears of joy.
“Brian” Stephanie whispered.
“Mmm. Am I in a hospital?” He groaned and looked around without moving his head.
“Yes baby” she cried. “There was an accident at the fire and you’ve been asleep for several days.”
“My head is killing me. Sit down baby and hold my hand.” Brian’s voice was raspy.
Stephanie sat back down in the chair beside him and took his hand. She brought is fingers up to her mouth and kissed each one. “I’m so glad you’re awake. I should probably call a nurse so she can let your doctor know.”
“I’ve got a feeling once the word is out that I’m awake, things are going to be hectic and I won’t be able to have you to myself. Come here and kiss me baby.” Brian wanted to be as close to Stephanie as her could.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Stephanie stood up and leaned over his bed. “I don’t want to cause you any more pain.”
“The closer you are the better I feel. I want to be inside you right now but I know I’ll have to wait.” Brian gave her his sexy half smile that Stephanie loved so much.
She bent closer to his face and paused just above his lips. Brian raised his arm without the IV and threaded his fingers through her hair. He brought her head down to make contact with their lips. Their kiss began gentle but quickly it built to an urgent kiss full of passion and promise.
Chapter Fifteen
Two days after Brian woke up the doctors gave him the release to go home. His father left after Brian got settled in his apartment and his mother stayed with him the first nigh then left on the 2nd day. Stephanie stayed with Brian during the day and continued to stay at Aaron and Kara’s house while his parents were here.
Stephanie was making them dinner for their first evening alone since before the accident. She decided to go with garlic and lemon salmon steaks with fresh corn on the cob and loaded baked potatoes. While she was putting seasoning and wrapping the corn in aluminum foil, Brian came up behind her and pressed his hardened cock into her backside. He pushed her hair to one side. “I want you so much baby” he whispered into her ear.
“I want you too, but I still think we need to wait until you go back to the doctor for your checkup.” Stephanie was trying hard to concentrate on the task she was doing but it was difficult with her thoughts elsewhere.
“That’s too damn long to wait and I’m fine.” It sounded like he was pouting a little.
Stephanie smiled. “It’s only three days. And you’ve been dizzy when you stand up.”
“So you can be on top and ride me.” He was kissing the back of her neck as his hands went up under her shirt to her luscious mounds.
Stephanie turned in his arms to face him. “Ok but after we eat.” She couldn’t help but smile at the victorious look on his face.
“Mmm. I�
��d rather have you instead.” Brian began kissing his way along her chin and found her mouth. She parted her lips and Brian began exploring her mouth with his tongue.
“I’m never going to finish cooking if we keep this up” Stephanie said when they broke away. “And we aren’t going to have sex until I know you’ve eaten some food.” She gave him her strict stare to let him know she was serious.
Holding up his hands and chuckling “Ok, ok. I’ll stop for now. What do you want me to help you with?”
“Just have a seat and relax. That’s what you’re supposed to be doing.” Stephanie went back to work on the corn.
Brian walked around the bar and sat down on one of the stools. “You don’t need to stay at Aaron and Kara’s house tonight. I want you to stay here.”
“Are you sure? I would love to stay but I know that things get hot between us.” Stephanie blushed at her own admission.
“Baby, I think sex would be the best medicine.” Brian’s voice was deep with desire.
Stephanie wrapped the last cob then placed them into the oven. “I thought laughter was the best medicine.” She wiped her hands dry and reached across the counter to touch Brian’s arm.
“I think we do both really well.” Brian gave her hand a slight squeeze and smiled.
“So, how long do you want me around?” Stephanie had already called another teacher and asked if she would take her place next week at the summer camp. She was scheduled to teach at the camp for a 5 days but Stephanie had no idea how long Brian would be in the hospital at the time.
“I’ll take as much of you as you can give me. When do you have to be home?” He didn’t want her to leave anytime soon.
Stephanie explained to him about switching with someone else at camp. “I really don’t have any solid plans. I haven’t been able to find another job that’s within a 30 minute drive to my house. So I guess I’m all yours.” Stephanie looked up from the countertop and smiled.
Brian felt his heart beat faster. This is what he wanted, her to himself always. Brian had no idea where these feelings were coming from but they seemed to get stronger by the day.