Hot Nights Forever (Hot Summer Series) Read online

Page 5

  Stephanie turned to get out plates, glasses, and utensils from the cabinets. She had to break away from Brian’s intense look. The look on his face was a mixture of confusion, surprise, and lust all rolled into one. Stephanie wasn’t sure what that combination meant but he was beginning to make her squirm with nervousness. When the food was ready, Stephanie kept herself occupied by preparing things for the two of them and brushed off Brian’s attempts to help her. She didn’t need him passing out on the floor from his head injury.

  Chapter Sixteen

  They ate dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. Brian grabbed two beers from the frig and suggested they go sit on the balcony to relax. The evening had cooled off and there was a slight breeze blowing that kept any pesky insects away. The street below them was several blocks away from the hustle and bustle of Downtown but a few pedestrians walked by.

  “This is such a nice area to live. You are close enough to everything but it’s still quiet.” Stephanie took a sip of her beer and set it down on the small table between them.

  “I like it here as well. I would like to get my own place so I can do some work of my own to it.” Brian reached over and took her hand. He rubbed his thumb across Stephanie’s knuckles.

  She looked over at him and smiled. “I think you’d look hot doing some manual labor,” she said with a blush rising to her checks.

  “Well I’ll have to see if I can arrange that.” Brian winked at her and gave her his sexy half smile.

  “But not until you’ve seen the doctor,” Stephanie admonished.

  Brian got up from his chair and stepped in front of Stephanie. He knelt down in front of her and rubbed the back of his hand across her jaw. “Baby I’m going to prove to you that I’m fine, one way or another.” Brian moved his body between her legs and placed his hand behind her neck. His other hand made its way up her thigh. He mentally thanked her for wearing a skirt tonight.

  “I’ve missed you, your touch, and your voice. I was so scared.” Stephanie was trying to hold herself together. She ran her hands through his hair, careful not to touch the area where his head injury was.

  “I’m here now and I’m going to show you how much I’ve missed you too.” Brian brought her head down to meet his and pressed his lips to hers. He opened his mouth at the same time she did, and began a searing hot kiss, pouring all his feelings into it. He had a fleeting memory of words spoken similar to what Stephanie had said just before their kiss.

  Brian broke away from her mouth and began trailing hot kisses along her neck. “Do we need to go inside?” Stephanie asked looking around to see if they were being watched.

  “It’s getting dark and the light is out inside. No one can see, but you are going to have to keep quiet. Remember the courtyard?” She felt desire pool in her core as he smiled against her skin.

  “Mmm, how could I forget?” That was one of the most erotic sexual experiences she ever had.

  Brian’s hands moved to her breasts. He didn’t lift her shirt but caressed her mounds through the fabric of her clothes. He then moved his hands to her upper thighs that were exposed because her skirt was hiked up. Kissing his way around each leg, he placed his hands behind her knees. Pulling gently, he told her to move down.

  She knew instantly what he was going to do and they were on his balcony! This man is so hot and I feel hot with him. Moving down to the edge of the seat, Stephanie was anticipating his next move.

  Moving his hands back up her thighs, Brian hooked his fingers around the thin waistband of her lace panties and pulled them down. “I don’t think you need these right now.”

  “It seems I never need those when we are together.” Stephanie moved her hips to try and relieve the sexual tension she had built up in her belly.

  “You are ready for me aren’t you?” Brian kissed his way up her inner thigh and reached her apex.

  “Yes Brian. Please,” Stephanie moaned.

  Brian began licking her wet folds as he inserted first one then two fingers into her pussy. Moving his fingers in and out, he moved his tongue to her clitoris and put pressure on her sensitive spot.

  Stephanie placed her legs on his shoulders and crossed her ankles as she felt the familiar build in her belly. As Brian began to move his fingers faster, she exploded around him. Licking up her juices and easing her down from her orgasm, Brian kissed her inner thighs.

  “Let’s go inside.” Brian helped her to her feet and led her by the hand through the double doors to the dining area.

  Stephanie reached for his button and zipper of his jeans and quickly freed his hard shaft from his pants. She encircled him in her hand and began moving up and down his long cock.

  Brian peeled off his jeans and boxers in record time and tossed them to the side. He was about to come undone with Stephanie’s hands on his dick. “I’ve got to have you now” Brian said between their kisses.

  Stephanie walked to the nearby chair, taking Brian with her. “Sit down.” Stephanie peeled off his tee shirt, begin careful going over his head.

  He was sitting at one of the dining room tables gloriously naked. She didn’t ever think she would get tired of looking at his sculpted body. Bending down to get a condom from his wallet, Stephanie quickly found it. Taking it out of the foil, she made her way back to the occupied chair. She slowly rolled the condom on and sat down on his lap facing him, letting his shaft fill her completely.

  Brian pulled her shirt off and unfastened her bra. The only thing Stephanie was wearing was her skirt that was bunched up around her waist. He ran his hands up and down her body while gazing at her with a look of desire.

  “You are so beautiful.” He moved his mouth to completely cover one nipple. Brian sucked until it was a hardened peak in his mouth. He moved his tongue over and over the tip as Stephanie began to move on top of him. With his dick hitting her sweet spot, Stephanie felt the familiar build again.

  “Oh Brian!” Stephanie cried out as her second orgasm took her over the edge of reality. She felt herself pulsing around Brian’s shaft as he picked her up and moved her to the table top on her back. He drove himself into her hard and in three quick strokes, he had his own release.

  Bracing himself above her with his arms on either side of her head, Brian bent down slightly and gave her a tender kiss on her lips. “You are amazing.”

  “I can say the same about you too.” Stephanie smiled to herself. She winced a little as he pulled out and make his way to the trashcan. She sat up to admire the view of his tight ass as he was walking across the floor.

  Stifling a yawn, Stephanie hopped off the table and bent to pick up their discarded clothes. Brian came up behind her and put his hands on her hips.

  “You are so tempting bent over like that but we both need to get some sleep. Let’s go to bed.” Brian took the bundle of clothes out of her arms and followed her to his bedroom.

  “Well you certainly proved your point that a concussion can’t stop you long.” Stephanie was snuggled up with him in the spooning position with Brian’s arm wrapped around her waist.

  Brian kissed the back of her head. “Yes I did.” He wasn’t going to tell her that their wonderful sex has left him completely exhausted.

  “I was just so scared when you were in the hospital,” Stephanie said softly.

  That triggered a memory that Brian had deep in his mind. He couldn’t quite place the details but he knew he had heard Stephanie say that before.

  Brian squeezed her close then loosened his hold. “I’m just glad that it’s over and you’re here with me.” Soon after that they were both asleep.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Brian rolled over in bed and reached for Stephanie, only to find empty space. He sat up and looked around his room and knew she was still in his apartment. Brian heard the muffled sound of the T.V., smelling bacon, eggs, and coffee. Swinging his feet onto the floor and grabbing a T Shirt, Brian made his way across his bedroom.

  Coming up behind her, Brian wrapped his arms around her waist. “Good morni
ng.” He nuzzled her neck with is mouth.

  “Hi. Are you hungry?” Stephanie turned around and put her arms around his neck.

  “Mmm. You smell good and so does breakfast.” Brian reached around and grabbed a piece of bacon. Quickly turning away from her hand that was trying to get the bacon back, he laughed and sat down at one of the bar stools.

  “Glad to see you feeling better today.” Stephanie took the scrambled eggs out of the pan and put them on two plates.

  Brian finished the bacon and licked his fingers. “I am. What’s your plan today?”

  “Kara called and invited me to have lunch.” Stephanie turned to pour coffee for herself. She opened the frig to get out the orange juice for Brian.

  “That should be interesting. I got a call and it went to voicemail. It was the doctor’s office saying that they had an opening today and could see me.” Brian had already eaten half of his eggs and bacon.

  Stephanie took a sip of her coffee and smiled at his returning appetite. “Are you going to go today or wait?”

  “I’ll go today. It sounds like you and Kara are hitting it off.” Brian finished his breakfast and got up to take his plate to the sink.

  “She was so nice and helpful when you were in the hospital. Kara has become a good friend in such a short time.” Stephanie thought of the no nonsense way Kara handled situations.

  Brian walked around the bar and stood behind Stephanie. He lifted her hair away from her neck and began trailing kisses along her spine. “You are so sexy in the mornings.” Brian pulled away and took a seat beside her so she could finish her breakfast.

  “You’re not so bad yourself.” Stephanie finished her eggs and drank that last of her coffee. “I need a shower. Do you want to join me?”

  “Baby, I could never turn down an invite like that.” Brian took her dishes to the sink and followed her to his bedroom.

  Chapter 18

  Stephanie took an open trolley to meet Kara at a local restaurant in Downtown. When she arrived, Kara was already seated at an outdoor table. She smiled when she saw Stephanie coming down the sidewalk.

  “Hi. Glad you could make it.” Kara passed her a menu to order from.

  Stephanie opened the trifold card and laid it on the table in front of her. “I’m glad I could too. Where are your kids? I thought they would be here too?”

  “I left them at the daycare center to get some adult time.” Kara smiled and rubbed her belly. “This one is still easy to take care of.”

  “Your kids are sweet and well behaved but I know you need a break every once and a while.” Stephanie glanced down at the list of foods and decided on a crab mango salad.

  They both placed their orders and handed the waitress the menus.

  “I hope I’m not being too forward by suggesting this but Aaron and I thought this was a great idea.” Kara took a sip of her water and looked carefully at Stephanie.

  “You have my curiosity peaked. What’s your idea?” Stephanie unfolded her napkin and placed it in her lap.

  “Brian has been guy talking with Aaron about you and we think that he is completely head over heels. He mentioned to Aaron that you didn’t get your contract renewed for this year and I was wondering how you felt about teaching here in Savannah?”

  Stephanie swallowed her water the wrong way and began coughing. “Wow. I didn’t see that coming.” She dabbed her napkin at her mouth. “Well I certainly love it down here and I really enjoy spending time with Brian but we’ve only known each other a little over a month. Besides, I know how hard it is to get in a school when you’re from out of state.”

  “Well it just so happens that a friend of mine is a principal at a school for children with disabilities and she needs a teacher before school starts. I’ll be more that glad to give her your name.”

  “I really enjoy working with students with disabilities but I’ll need to think about it. Can I get back with you at the end of the week?” Stephanie’s mind was spinning at the possibilities this could hold.

  Stephanie and Kara finished their lunch and began talking about the latest fashion and Kara’s house that was being remolded.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Brian had gotten the green light to go back to work from the doctor but he would be on light duty for another 2 weeks. He was ready to get this accident behind him a move on. Since he had been home from the hospital, Brian had really been thinking about just how short life could be. He had also been thinking more and more about his feelings towards Jennifer. She was the most amazing woman he had ever met and his feelings for her were real. Just taking that first step in voicing those feelings to the other person was scary as hell.

  He was meeting Jennifer at one of the smaller, more secluded Squares in Downtown. After making a few stops first, he made his way down York Street and saw her outside the Liberty Square.

  “Hi. What do you have there?” Stephanie asked with a smile.

  Holding up the canvas bags and giving her a sexy wink, he motioned for her to walk into the square. “It’s a little something I picked up on the way.”

  He set the bags down and reached in the larger one. Brian pulled out a navy blue fleece blanket and laid it out on the grassy lawn. From the smaller bag, he removed a bottle or wine, two small wine glasses, and a box of chocolate covered strawberries.

  “If you’re trying to impress me, it’s done,” Stephanie said as she took in the thoughtfulness of what he had done.

  Brian placed everything on the top corner of the blanket and pulled her into his body. “Baby, I’m trying to play catch-up with everything you have done for me this past week.”

  “You would have done the same thing for me.” Stephanie rested her head on his muscular chest and breathed in his wonderful masculine scent.

  “I don’t even what to think about you hurt even a fraction of what I was.” A shutter went through Brian’s body and he motioned for them to sit on the blanket.

  He uncorked the wine bottle and poured them both a glass. Then Brian took a chocolate covered strawberry and held it up for Stephanie. She parted her lips and waited. Brian took the strawberry and traced her upper then lower lips before letting her have a bite.

  “Mmm, that’s good.” Stephanie savored the sweetness of the chocolate mixed with the tartness of the strawberry.

  “It’s so sexy to watch you enjoy food. Those lips of yours have me thinking of other things.” Brian reached over and kissed the corner of her mouth where there was a drop of strawberry juice.

  “Well it’s still daylight so we won’t be able to do anything here. How was your appointment with the doctor?” Stephanie reached over for her wine and took a sip.

  Brian recounted to major highlights of the appointment and that he would be returning to work. “I need to call the Captain and see when he wants me back.”

  Stephanie took a deep breath. “I don’t want to wear out my welcome but I need to tell you something. At lunch today Kara told me of a school that was hiring a classroom teacher. She said the principal is a friend of hers and she would put in a word for me but I told her to wait because I wanted to talk to you first.”

  Brian put his wine glass down and slid closer to her. “I wanted to talk to you about that too. Aaron told me about the teaching job and I wanted Kara to mention it to you.” Brian held her hand and rubbed his thumb across her knuckles. “Look, I know that we haven’t known each other very long but I have never cared about someone as much as I care about you. I want you to move here. You don’t have to move in with me if it’s too soon for you but I would be one happy man if you did.”

  “I’ve had deep feelings for you since that first night we met. I would love to move down here with you!” Stephanie couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

  “Stephanie, I…I love you.” Brian closed the small space between them and sealed their lips together. He poured all of his feelings into this kiss.

  When they finally broke away, Stephanie looked into his beautiful blue eyes. “I love you too
. I didn’t think it was possible to fall in love with someone this soon but I’ve loved you from the start.”

  “Baby, you are going to make me one happy man. I would love nothing more than spend days with you like this and have hot nights with you forever.”

  I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much I enjoyed writing it.

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